
I guess you're wondering by now who exactly Wilson Cowden is - right? So I've decided to tell you a little about myself. I'm now 57 years young and am married to Denyse. We live in a small coastal village at the foot of the Mourne Mountains in Northern Ireland.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Giving Searchers What They Really Want.

The benefits of focusing on razor-targeted keywords to increase the conversion rate of your web site.

To put it simply: keywords that make clear exactly what the searcher is looking for result in a much larger percentage of people buying something. For example, somebody looking for "dallas term life insurance quote" is probably much more likely to buy than somebody searching for "term life insurance." The first searcher is a buyer, the second is quite possibly just looking for information.

This has certainly been the case with a certain web site of mine that holds the number three spot in Google for the name of the product it ranks for. It doesn't get much traffic, but what it does with the traffic it does get is amazing! In fact, in August the site only received 154 unique visitors, but those 154 visitors resulted in 29 sales totaling $676.08 in affiliate income for me.

Twenty-nine sales from 154 visitors is an 18% conversion rate, which is truly excellent for a two-page affiliate web site. (Incidentally, this is the same site I blogged about a while back in this post, which gives more details about the web site.)

This site enjoys such a high conversion rate because it ranks well for a highly targeted set of keywords — the name of the product. It was super easy to rank for, and achieved it's ranking in only six weeks. How did I rank it so well so fast? Simply by putting the site into my 3WayLinks network.

So the next time you sit down to research what keywords you should try and rank your web site for, don't overlook keywords just because they don't get many searches each month. If the keywords are razor-targeted, you'll get a better ranking faster, and often with a bigger bottom line.

Please post your thoughts and questions in a comment below.

66 visitors, 13 downloads, 3 sales, $99 : Jonathan Leger

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!!! what a great post!!! Looking forward for more of your post. Have a great day.

1:20 AM  

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