
I guess you're wondering by now who exactly Wilson Cowden is - right? So I've decided to tell you a little about myself. I'm now 57 years young and am married to Denyse. We live in a small coastal village at the foot of the Mourne Mountains in Northern Ireland.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I’ve laid on a very nice treat for you, it’s this video of The Apprentice.

The Bloody Apprentice

May 27, 2009 · 210 Comments

Let’s try that again shall we…

I’ve laid on a very nice treat for you, it’s this video of The Apprentice.

A quick word of warning first – it’s a little bit smutty, so if you watch it at work, one of you will get fired.

I’ve been working on this video for a couple of months, on and off.  I watched 45 episodes of The Apprentice (most of them several times), and material from 43 of them made it into the final piece.  Basically, it was a lot of work.

Oh, one more thing. If you’ve never heard our stuff before, you might like to check out some of our earlier, audio-only pieces on youtube. I particularly recommend the David Attenborough and Jamie Oliver ones.

Cassetteboy youtube channel

UPDATE: You asked for t-shirts (well, probably not you specifically, but a few people did). So, in a blatant attempt to cash in on a short-lived internet fad, here they are:

Cassetteboy’s Emporium Of Crap
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