
I guess you're wondering by now who exactly Wilson Cowden is - right? So I've decided to tell you a little about myself. I'm now 57 years young and am married to Denyse. We live in a small coastal village at the foot of the Mourne Mountains in Northern Ireland.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

You & Facebook's 400 Million "Virgin" Buyers

I love the traffic I get from Facebook


One word... Quality

Facebook traffic converts in most cases at least
twice as well as any other form of PPC especially

Watch this free presentation and you'll see why

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

Facebook sells ads all over their site but
few marketers know how to use them. That's
why I made this report.

Facebook is an affiliates DREAM!

Fact is, I'm ticked at Google right now and if
I can help Facebook to kick their butt and help
you in the process...I'm a happy guy

Go watch this presentation at the link below

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

Have a Great Day,

Wilson Cowden

P.S. Most Facebook ads are for stuff the people
who see them are interested in, that's what makes
their customers so great.  Targeting.

Plus, yours is the only ad they will see at a time
so it really is "virgin" traffic. It's like marketing
in a vacuum.

You'll see the logic in the video below

Watch this FREE Presentation Now

You have to work to succeed in anything (especially business)


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How can the worlds oldest people also lead unhealthy lives

Wanna live a long and healthy life? You might as well knock back the booze and smoke 'em if you got 'em -- it turns out the key to longevity lies in the genes.

The race toward discovering the key to this type of longevity still continues. However, scientists have figured out that somewhere within our genetic makeup, some of us appear to have a mutation -- a leg up, really -- that staves off cellular death. It's also possible that if researchers can identify the gene or genes responsible for long life, the rest of us can benefit through gene therapy.

HowStuffWorks "How can the world's oldest people also lead unhealthy lives?"

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How Do I Get The Most From My Practice?

Untitled Document

Kevin and I get all kinds of questions about meditation and Mind-Body Training... so today I want to answer a question that comes up a lot:

"How Do I Get The Most From My Practice?"

Kevin has been practicing and teaching meditation for over 30 years. Here's the advice he gives to people who want to get started meditating (or get back on track):

1. Set up your environment for success!

Find a good place to meditate. Define your meditation environment in a quiet, secluded spot (as best you can).

Make sure you have a comfortable seat that is the right height. I suggest sitting on the front edge of a chair that puts your hips level with or slightly above your knees with your feet firmly on the floor.

2. Schedule it!

Schedule meditation in your day-timer or activity planner as you would any other important commitment. I suggest first thing in the morning or last thing at night as optimum times, but any consistent time will work.

3. Keep a journal!

This helps you track your progress and reminds you why you're doing it. Looking back over your journal will remind you of the work that you've done, track the positive shifts that you've experienced, and make your practice feel more substantial and worthwhile.

And above all, enjoy the journey!

Happy Practicing,
Matt Clarkson & Kevin Schoeninger
The Mind-Body Training Company

P.S. This breakthrough meditation technique creates radiant health and wellness by balancing your three key energy centers.

Now you can eliminate stress and anxiety, heal your blocks to success and enjoy a state of lasting emotional health and well-being -- without meditating for hours or forcing your brain to do anything unnatural:

Full details here:

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